All Classes and Interfaces

Evolutionary Algorithm Configuration.
Evolutionary Algorithm - Execution Context
Interface for any class wishing to generate chromosomes
Delete N Last
Evolutionary Algorithm Configuration.
Evolutionary Algorithm Configuration.
Evolutionary Algorithm - Execution Context
Defines multiple factory and helper methods to create and manage EAExecutionContexts
Main class used to manage and execute the evolution process
Suite of helper methods to create instances of EASystem
Specify an elitism based replacement strategy
Defines a way to evaluate the fitness of a population in an asynchronous manner
Facade to abstract the various ways that fitnesses could be evaluated
Wrapper around FitnessBulkAsync for computing the fitness of a population
Wrapper around Fitness for computing the fitness of a population
Generational Replacement strategy
Pair of Genotype to its associated fitness
Immutable implementation of BitChromosomeSpec.
Builds instances of type ImmutableBitChromosomeSpec.
Immutable implementation of ChromosomeFactoryProvider.
Builds instances of type ImmutableChromosomeFactoryProvider.
Immutable implementation of CreepMutation.
Builds instances of type ImmutableCreepMutation.
Immutable implementation of DeleteNLast.
Builds instances of type ImmutableDeleteNLast.
Immutable implementation of DoubleChromosomeSpec.
Builds instances of type ImmutableDoubleChromosomeSpec.
Immutable implementation of DoubleTournament.
Builds instances of type ImmutableDoubleTournament.
Immutable implementation of EAConfiguration.
Builds instances of type ImmutableEAConfiguration.
Immutable implementation of EAConfigurationBulkAsync.
Builds instances of type ImmutableEAConfigurationBulkAsync.
Immutable implementation of EAExecutionContext.
Builds instances of type ImmutableEAExecutionContext.
Immutable implementation of Elitism.
Builds instances of type ImmutableElitism.
Immutable implementation of EvolutionResult.
Builds instances of type ImmutableEvolutionResult.
Immutable implementation of FitnessSharing.
Builds instances of type ImmutableFitnessSharing.
Immutable implementation of FloatChromosomeSpec.
Builds instances of type ImmutableFloatChromosomeSpec.
Immutable implementation of GenerationalReplacement.
Builds instances of type ImmutableGenerationalReplacement.
Immutable implementation of GenotypeFitness.
Builds instances of type ImmutableGenotypeFitness.
Immutable implementation of Individual.
Builds instances of type ImmutableIndividual.
Immutable implementation of IntChromosomeSpec.
Builds instances of type ImmutableIntChromosomeSpec.
Immutable implementation of MultiCombinations.
Builds instances of type ImmutableMultiCombinations.
Immutable implementation of MultiMutations.
Builds instances of type ImmutableMultiMutations.
Immutable implementation of MultiPointArithmetic.
Builds instances of type ImmutableMultiPointArithmetic.
Immutable implementation of MultiPointCrossover.
Builds instances of type ImmutableMultiPointCrossover.
Immutable implementation of MultiSelections.
Builds instances of type ImmutableMultiSelections.
Immutable implementation of MultiTournaments.
Builds instances of type MultiTournaments.
Immutable implementation of NormalDistribution.
Builds instances of type ImmutableNormalDistribution.
Immutable implementation of OrderCrossover.
Builds instances of type ImmutableOrderCrossover.
Immutable implementation of PartialMutation.
Builds instances of type ImmutablePartialMutation.
Immutable implementation of PickFirstParent.
Builds instances of type ImmutablePickFirstParent.
Immutable implementation of ProportionalTournament.
Builds instances of type ProportionalTournament.
Immutable implementation of RandomMutation.
Builds instances of type ImmutableRandomMutation.
Immutable implementation of RandomSelection.
Builds instances of type ImmutableRandomSelection.
Immutable implementation of RouletteWheel.
Builds instances of type ImmutableRouletteWheel.
Immutable implementation of SelectAll.
Builds instances of type ImmutableSelectAll.
Immutable implementation of SinglePointArithmetic.
Builds instances of type ImmutableSinglePointArithmetic.
Immutable implementation of SinglePointCrossover.
Builds instances of type ImmutableSinglePointCrossover.
Immutable implementation of SwapMutation.
Builds instances of type ImmutableSwapMutation.
Immutable implementation of Tournament.
Builds instances of type Tournament.
Immutable implementation of UniformDistribution.
Builds instances of type ImmutableUniformDistribution.
Select uniformly a mutation policy among a list
Specify the goal, whether to minimize or maximize the fitness score