Class ImmutableStageDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Generated("org.immutables.processor.ProxyProcessor") public final class ImmutableStageDescriptor extends Object implements StageDescriptor
Immutable implementation of StageDescriptor.

Use the builder to create immutable instances: new StageDescriptor.Builder().

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • kernelName

      public String kernelName()
      Kernel name
      Specified by:
      kernelName in interface StageDescriptor
    • kernelExecutionContextComputer

      public KernelExecutionContextComputer kernelExecutionContextComputer()
      Computer for the kernel execution context (ex: globak work size)
      Specified by:
      kernelExecutionContextComputer in interface StageDescriptor
    • dataLoaders

      public Map<Integer,DataLoader> dataLoaders()
      Association of kernel argument index and a data loader
      Specified by:
      dataLoaders in interface StageDescriptor
    • localMemoryAllocators

      public Map<Integer,LocalMemoryAllocator> localMemoryAllocators()
      Association of kernel argument index and a local memory allocator
      Specified by:
      localMemoryAllocators in interface StageDescriptor
    • resultAllocators

      public Map<Integer,ResultAllocator> resultAllocators()
      Association of kernel argument index and a result allocator
      Specified by:
      resultAllocators in interface StageDescriptor
    • reusePreviousResultAsArguments

      public Map<Integer,Integer> reusePreviousResultAsArguments()
      Association of the kernel argument used for a result of the previous stage to the kernel argument for this execution
      Specified by:
      reusePreviousResultAsArguments in interface StageDescriptor
    • reusePreviousResultSizeAsArguments

      public Map<Integer,Integer> reusePreviousResultSizeAsArguments()
      Association of the size of the data from the result of the previous stage to the kernel argument for this execution
      Specified by:
      reusePreviousResultSizeAsArguments in interface StageDescriptor
    • mapStaticDataAsArgument

      public Map<String,Integer> mapStaticDataAsArgument()
      Association of static data to a kernel argument index
      Specified by:
      mapStaticDataAsArgument in interface StageDescriptor
    • withKernelName

      public final ImmutableStageDescriptor withKernelName(String value)
      Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the kernelName attribute. An equals check used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
      value - A new value for kernelName
      A modified copy of the this object
    • withKernelExecutionContextComputer

      public final ImmutableStageDescriptor withKernelExecutionContextComputer(KernelExecutionContextComputer value)
      Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the kernelExecutionContextComputer attribute. A shallow reference equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
      value - A new value for kernelExecutionContextComputer
      A modified copy of the this object
    • withDataLoaders

      public final ImmutableStageDescriptor withDataLoaders(Map<Integer,? extends DataLoader> entries)
      Copy the current immutable object by replacing the dataLoaders map with the specified map. Nulls are not permitted as keys or values. A shallow reference equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
      entries - The entries to be added to the dataLoaders map
      A modified copy of this object
    • withLocalMemoryAllocators

      public final ImmutableStageDescriptor withLocalMemoryAllocators(Map<Integer,? extends LocalMemoryAllocator> entries)
      Copy the current immutable object by replacing the localMemoryAllocators map with the specified map. Nulls are not permitted as keys or values. A shallow reference equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
      entries - The entries to be added to the localMemoryAllocators map
      A modified copy of this object
    • withResultAllocators

      public final ImmutableStageDescriptor withResultAllocators(Map<Integer,? extends ResultAllocator> entries)
      Copy the current immutable object by replacing the resultAllocators map with the specified map. Nulls are not permitted as keys or values. A shallow reference equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
      entries - The entries to be added to the resultAllocators map
      A modified copy of this object
    • withReusePreviousResultAsArguments

      public final ImmutableStageDescriptor withReusePreviousResultAsArguments(Map<Integer,? extends Integer> entries)
      Copy the current immutable object by replacing the reusePreviousResultAsArguments map with the specified map. Nulls are not permitted as keys or values. A shallow reference equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
      entries - The entries to be added to the reusePreviousResultAsArguments map
      A modified copy of this object
    • withReusePreviousResultSizeAsArguments

      public final ImmutableStageDescriptor withReusePreviousResultSizeAsArguments(Map<Integer,? extends Integer> entries)
      Copy the current immutable object by replacing the reusePreviousResultSizeAsArguments map with the specified map. Nulls are not permitted as keys or values. A shallow reference equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
      entries - The entries to be added to the reusePreviousResultSizeAsArguments map
      A modified copy of this object
    • withMapStaticDataAsArgument

      public final ImmutableStageDescriptor withMapStaticDataAsArgument(Map<String,? extends Integer> entries)
      Copy the current immutable object by replacing the mapStaticDataAsArgument map with the specified map. Nulls are not permitted as keys or values. A shallow reference equality check is used to prevent copying of the same value by returning this.
      entries - The entries to be added to the mapStaticDataAsArgument map
      A modified copy of this object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object another)
      This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableStageDescriptor that have equal attribute values.
      equals in class Object
      true if this is equal to another instance
    • equalTo

      private boolean equalTo(int synthetic, ImmutableStageDescriptor another)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Computes a hash code from attributes: kernelName, kernelExecutionContextComputer, dataLoaders, localMemoryAllocators, resultAllocators, reusePreviousResultAsArguments, reusePreviousResultSizeAsArguments, mapStaticDataAsArgument.
      hashCode in class Object
      hashCode value
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Prints the immutable value StageDescriptor with attribute values.
      toString in class Object
      A string representation of the value
    • copyOf

      public static ImmutableStageDescriptor copyOf(StageDescriptor instance)
      Creates an immutable copy of a StageDescriptor value. Uses accessors to get values to initialize the new immutable instance. If an instance is already immutable, it is returned as is.
      instance - The instance to copy
      A copied immutable StageDescriptor instance
    • createUnmodifiableMap

      private static <K, V> Map<K,V> createUnmodifiableMap(boolean checkNulls, boolean skipNulls, Map<? extends K,? extends V> map)