All Classes and Interfaces

Comparing parents based on their fitness
Comparing parents based on fitness first and then their size in case of equal fitness.
Immutable implementation of AddConnection.
Builds instances of type ImmutableAddConnection.
Immutable implementation of AddNode.
Builds instances of type ImmutableAddNode.
Immutable implementation of Connection.
Builds instances of type ImmutableConnection.
Immutable implementation of DeleteConnection.
Builds instances of type ImmutableDeleteConnection.
Immutable implementation of DeleteNode.
Builds instances of type ImmutableDeleteNode.
Immutable implementation of FitnessComparison.
Builds instances of type ImmutableFitnessComparison.
Immutable implementation of FitnessThenSizeComparison.
Builds instances of type ImmutableFitnessThenSizeComparison.
Immutable implementation of NeatChromosomeSpec.
Builds instances of type ImmutableNeatChromosomeSpec.
Immutable implementation of NeatCombination.
Builds instances of type ImmutableNeatCombination.
Immutable implementation of NeatConnectionWeight.
Builds instances of type ImmutableNeatConnectionWeight.
Immutable implementation of NeatSelection.
Builds instances of type ImmutableNeatSelection.
Immutable implementation of SwitchStateMutation.
Builds instances of type ImmutableSwitchStateMutation.